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Odesys Charts 2.0.1 Server Edition is a set of chart components that allows various chart to be dynamically generated by a JSP/Servle
 » Home » Business » Miscellaneous » Odesys Charts 2.0.1 Server Edition 2.0.1
License: Shareware
Version: 2.0.1
System: Platform independent
Size: 0
Date Released: January 26, 2002
Price: $215
Screenshot: No Screenshot
Downloads: 803
Homepage: http
Date added: Sep 20, 2005
Click here to Download
Odesys Charts 2.0.1 Server Edition is a set of chart components that allows various chart to be dynamically generated by a JSP/Servlet enabled web server and shown in web pages as JPG images. This version features four charts - Bar chart, Bubble chart, Line chart and Pie chart.


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 » Skinny , the Yahoo Messenger Skins Maker X3 (oct 00-Sept 01)
this program allow you to set in 5 minutes skins for your yahoo messenger. multiples toolbar styles background and special effects cut and paste possibilities online,offline,webcam,voice,.. and other icones personnal text and photos GIF,bmp,jpg,ico,icw ph ... | 0 | Win 95Win CE / Pocket PC /NT/2 | $15 | Downloads: 1278
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |  » Details
 » Guaranteed Excel 97/2000 Decryptor (5 clients, Windows+Linux version) 1.2
This is an utility to decrypt Excel 97/2000 files with password for opening. Do not use it for decryption Excel version prior to 97 (8.0) or French Excel (any version). Any file, encrypted with ANY password (no matter how long the password is, what charse ... | 0 | Win 3.1/95MS DOS Unix / Linux | $59 | Downloads: 1282
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |  » Details
 » DataPipe Single User License
DataPipe Search Replace performs interactive search and replace (with pattern matching and replacing) inside your database. Supports VBScripting as well! ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | $399 | Downloads: 1333
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |  » Details
 » Web Job Spec Creator for Scanning Bureau 1.4
Create and manage your scanning job specifications and distribute the specifications to the user desktops in html format viewable in any web browser. Ensure your staff always have the latest specification where it matters, on their desktop. ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | $279 | Downloads: 1254
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |  » Details
 » E-mark morePower! 10-pack 1.0
morePower acts as a `multimedia jukebox` to play existing Flash, Director, PowerPoint, and video files in a seamless and integrated presentation. Unlike other presentation software, morePower can utilize a wider range of file formats, is very easy to lea ... | 0 | Win 95Macintosh /NT/2000/XP/98 | $2250 | Downloads: 1516
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |  » Details
 » SMImport suite for Delphi/C++Builder without sources 1.75
Components from SMImport suite allows to import a data from external file formats: 1. MS Excel spreadsheet (directly without OLE/DDE) 2. text delimited file 3. text fixed width file 4. XML file 5. HTML file 6. MS Access database 7. Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet ... | 0 | Win 95Win CE / Pocket PC /NT/2 | $35 | Downloads: 1312
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |  » Details
 » Cabinet Maker 2.01
Automatically create folder structures from your indexed tiff image files. Simply index the filename as Cabinet,Folder,filename.tif and the software will automatically create a folder structure of a top level folder called CABINET, a subfolder called FOLD ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | $139 | Downloads: 1334
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |  » Details
 » Sledopyt for MS SQL Server 2000 1.0
Sledopyt for MS SQL Server 2000 provides MS SQL Server 7.0 and 2000 full text search for Russian language. ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/ME | $298 | Downloads: 1435
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |  » Details
 » Time Stamp 1,10
Time Stamp Pro is a tool that quickly accounts for time spent on various projects. The simplified interface is composed of two list boxes, which enables us to activate or deactivate a project by a simple double-click or a drag and drop action. For each op ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | $30 | Downloads: 1354
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |  » Details
 » Cresotech PocketPoint (German Edition) 1.2
Cresotech PocketPoint ist ein PDA-basiertes Multimedia-Tool, mit dem Sie Foto-Präsentationen oder Fotoalbums schnell und einfach erstellen können. Dabei brauchen Sie keinerlei technische Vorkenntnisse und Ihre Fotogalerie steht Ihnen immer zur Verfügung! ... | 0 | Win CE / Pocket PC | E20 | Downloads: 1321
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |  » Details
 » Aid Submission Genius PRO 2.3
Aid Submission Genius is a submission program for software developers based on new principle - an online submission robot. Aid Submission Genius interactively uses the submission robot to do submissions fast and easy and what is most important accurately. ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | $150 | Downloads: 1340
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |  » Details
 » ImageArchivist - Singleuser (Einzelplatzlizenz) 3.01
ImageArchivist makes it easy to manage images on your hard disk or CDs. Whenever you have to caption, store and look through even large amounts of imagery then imageArchivist is the right software for you. With ImageArchivist you can: · find images ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | E199 | Downloads: 1291
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |  » Details
 » ImageArchivist - 5 user corporate licence (5 Nutzer Firmenlizenz) 3.01
imageArchivist makes it easy to manage images on your hard disk or CDs. Whenever you have to caption, store and look through even large amounts of imagery then imageArchivist is the right software for you. With imageArchivist you can: · find images quic ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | E599 | Downloads: 1307
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |  » Details
 » Adept SQL Workshop - PERSONAL LICENSE 1.0
Adept SQL Workshop is an IDE for professional database developers which smoothly integrates: SQL-oriented text editor, macro preprocessor, DDL compilation into internal schema model, schema synchronization, schema decompiler, SQL debugger, MS Visual So ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | $130 | Downloads: 1439
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |  » Details
 » Time Stamp (25+ licenses) 1,10
... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | $27 | Downloads: 1278
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |  » Details
 » Time Stamp (50+ licenses) 1,10
... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | $24 | Downloads: 1296
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |  » Details
 » WorkTime - 51-200 User License 3.10
WorkTime is a versatile project tracker that surveys the time you spent working with your PC. WorkTime is launched on Windows start and gathers statistics about projects you worked with, programs you run, documents you open, web-sites you visited and tim ... | 0 | Win 95/2000/98/ME | $10 | Downloads: 1492
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |  » Details
 » Web Links Portal 1.0
1. User`s page for browsing through categories, subcategories and links. Hits are counted on every link. User can add links and reviews which can be seen if they are approved by admin. 2. Search engine for searching in meta fields(defined by admin): sear ... | 0 | Win 95Unix / Linux /NT/2000/98 | $40 | Downloads: 1358
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |  » Details
 » Kreuzworträtsel-Generator (Update) 3.70.1
Kreuzworträtsel-Generator (von Standard-Version / Deluxe-Version auf Profi-Version des Kreuzworträtsel-Generators). Sie verfügen bereits über die Standard-Version des Kreuzworträtsel-Generators und möchten nun in den Genuss der Funktionen der Profi-Versio ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/98/ME | E22 | Downloads: 2613
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |  » Details
 » RB-DVD Office 3in1 1.21.005
You can store all your DVDs and CDs in this database and for every record one picture (i.E. Cover). Also included a powerful report printer with userinterface to create you own print template. And last but not least is a powerfull full text search engine ... | 0 | Win 95/NT/2000/XP/98/ME | E15 | Downloads: 1311
Date added: Sep 20, 2005 |  » Details
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